There are now two Holly Oak Hens laying eggs! The first hen, named Minerva, has been laying for 10 days now and has given us a total of 7 eggs. She's the friendliest of the flock and really enjoys being held. Minerva is one of our two Barred Rock chickens and overall, her coloring is lighter than the other Barred Rock (who doesn't have a name yet).

Doily, who gets her name as tribute to her breed (a Silver-Laced Wyndotte) layed her first egg yesterday. And like Minerva, she chose to lay her egg in the homemade nest under the rolls of spare chicken wire in the side yard, rather than in the nicely constructed nesting boxes. Doily is our showiest hen who, until recently, we suspected might be a rooster. We know for certain she is a hen because Remi and watched the egg actually "plop" out yesterday!

You can see in the picture that there is a remarkable difference in these two brown eggs. Doily's egg is lighter in color than Minerva's. And Minerva's egg is a little fatter than Doily's.

Here is the nest that Minerva made, after cracking two eggs in the nesting box because she scratched out all the straw and wood shavings from the box. She found the perfect spot in the side yard under the leftover chicken wire. Doily must've paid attention because she explored the coop's nesting box, but chose to lay in Minerva's nest.
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