Here is our first egg! The nesting boxes got installed last weekend (thanks Dad!) and we set out plastic Easter eggs in the boxes to give the hens a clue as to what to do in there. The boys have been checking for eggs each day, yet we were shocked to find the little brown egg this afternoon. The egg is really small. In the pictures below, you can see Remi and Coby holding it in comparison to a store bought "large" chicken egg.

Remi holding the first egg (left) and a store bought egg.

Coby's showing the egg comparison.

My mother made this rooster out of bottle caps (and twigs for the feet). It is awesome. No, she did not drink all that beer! Coby helped design the color scheme to match our Silver Laced Wyandotte named "Doily".

Here are the big hens at about 19 weeks old. Which one layed that egg?
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