Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Garden Clutch

It feels like Spring now!  While it is only February, the temps are in the mid-70s this week and four of the six hens started laying  within the past two weeks, after a 4-5 month break.  

A couple of days after Sissy started laying, it seemed she stopped for several days, which didn't seem right.  Finally, I found out why she didn't have any eggs in the nesting box.  She had a clutch of eggs in a homemade nest out in the yard!  I felt really bad collecting them all and making a "Sissy omelet" for Remi's lunch, but I got over it quickly.  After losing her clutch of eggs, Sissy started laying in the nesting box again. 

Now that Sissy, Chirp, Shasta and JimBob are laying, we have enough spare eggs for the kids to sell in order to raise money for fostering kittens this summer.  They will purchase the food/litter and supplies we need for taking care of a kitten family.