Thursday, April 7, 2011

First Chicken Vet Appointment

Minerva injured her foot somehow and had been limping, so we took the sweet hen to the vet to get the foot looked at. Dr. Nakamura at Adobe Animal Hospital reported that it did not seem like an infection (not red/hot) and was most likely due to some kind of trauma. Looks to me like the coop door got caught on her foot (see the dark line on top of the middle digit?). The doctor prescribed some anti-inflammatory medicine that the kids have both been helping me administer (while I hold the hen and open her mouth). Minerva has been healing well.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring is Here!

So nice to have a full egg carton after a slow winter! Notice the top left egg from Ginger. After a bit of a Winter break in her egg laying, she popped out a mini egg. Lots of brown eggs... until FINALLY Hawk decided to lay one (white egg).