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Actually Written Sept. 20. 2012
we started our second flock of chickens! So far, we have 2 different
colors of Ameraucanas (the yellow one and the middle one) and we have a
Welsummer (right). These breeds should provide us with a nice colorful
basket of eggs this Spring. Ameraucanas lay greenish/blue eggs and the
Welsummer should lay dark (almost chocolate) eggs. On Saturday we will
get a few more from a different store in order to have a bigger variety
of breeds. While we loved our last flock of 2 Barred Rock, 2 Buff
Orpingtons, 1 Silver Laced Wyndotte and 1 Brown Leghorn, we wanted to
try completely different breeds this time.
#1 retired at 3.5 years old this past weekend. Their laying had REALLY
slowed down to the point that we got one egg every other day, if we
were lucky.
Coby and Chirp |
Remi and Tweet |
Our neighbor with Kelly |
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