"CHIRP" (Americauna)
"LORA" (Buff Brahma)
"SHASTA" (Delaware)
"ROOSTER" (Male Salmon Faverolle... oops!)
"KELLY" (Welsummer)
"SISSY" (Sussex)
"JIM BOB" (Americauna... we may not keep the name but we like the it for now)
A lot of Rooster's behaviors are making sense now. We thought he was less-than-intelligent but it turns out while all the other chicks learned to roost on the low and then the high bars in the coop, he was still sleeping on the floor to better protect his flock from predators. And the reason he stays back when I'm giving the girls scratch is because he's saving the best for them. What a gentle-roo!
We are really enjoying the chickens. Kelly and Shasta still seem to be the most people friendly, though Sissy is also quite friendly. Lora is the most entertaining though. She likes to run through the coop without a plan for where she's going... just aimless.