Well, this egg didn't have enough padding when it "plopped" out of the hen and so the tip got cracked. Guess it makes sense... the more pointed end of the egg is the first part out, unless of course, the egg is breach! hehehe
It has been two months since I've updated the blog and lots has happened since then! During our nice warm weather, the hens like to join us in the hammock.

In other news...
-- Hawk started laying her white eggs regularly again, after going on strike this winter. She laid about an egg a month during the cold, shorter days and now lays an egg just about every day!
-- Another shell-less egg was laid by Doily. This time, it was intact and so both kids brought it to "show and tell" at their respective schools, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
-- The cats and hens get along fine outside together! Sometimes the cats startle the hens, but usually if one is scared of the other species it is the cats afraid of the hens who come running to the door when I open it, waiting for treats. The cats are afraid to come inside when the hens are all blocking the door. Below is a photo of one cat and one hen getting along.

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