Yesterday, I left the hens in the coop until mid-day. Minerva ran straight to her nest in the bamboo to go lay her egg! I guess she was saving it to lay when she got out.
Today, Minerva's egg was full sized! This picture shows her small egg laid yesterday and her large egg layed today. Coby wonders if it will have two yolks like Hawk's giant egg had.

Not only did Minerva lay her egg in the bamboo nest, Hawk did as well. In fact, both of them decided to lay their eggs at the same time, so they were crammed in there together. Maybe Minerva is getting broody because she continued to sit on her egg after laying it. Coby said he lifted Minerva up and took her egg. Poor hen!
Doily also layed an egg today-- in Minerva's nest! Both Doily and Hawk were seen a couple times in the actual nesting box this morning, getting the nest ready, but for some reason, they both ended up laying in Minerva's nest. There were lots of noises coming from the hens this morning, but I wasn't sure who it came from. Maybe Minerva called Hawk and Doily to come lay eggs in her nest?