The Holly Oak Hen Haven has been completed! While the boys and I were in Oklahoma, Damon finished the coop and the Holly Oak Hens moved in. By day, the chicks are outside enjoying the dirt and fresh air, scratching away to their hearts' content. And at night, the girls move back into their cage and condo attachment with the security of their heat lamp. A few finishing touches still need to be made on the coop, like hanging the waterer and feeder, adding nesting boxes and roosting bars, and somehow sealing the space above the door so rats don't get in. The coop is awesome-- thank you Dad and Damon for your fine workmanship and all the time you spent designing and constructing the coop of my dreams! Oh, and I'll need to decorate the coop a bit as well.

It has been a week since we've seen the chicks and my have they grown! The Silver Laced Wyandotte has grown white feathers on her head! All the birds look bigger and covered in more feathers. And when I got home late last night and saw them, a couple had learned to roost on their bamboo perches for sleeping!
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